The Last of Us Part 2 Review: Exploring the Gaming Masterpiece

Have you ever played a video game that left you questioning your morality, challenged your beliefs, and kept you awake at night? In this review, we dive deep into ‘The Last of Us Part 2,’ a game that not only redefines the medium but also explores the darkest corners of the human psyche. It has been one of the best selling playstation 4 games and the fastest selling playstation 4 exclusive with over 10 million units sold worldwide. Join us as we unravel the layers of this gaming masterpiece, offering you profound insights and gameplay strategies that will change the way you see video games.

Story Mode:

The Last of Us Part 2 takes players on an intricate, emotionally charged, and unpredictable journey, delving into the themes of vengeance, violence, and morality within a post-apocalyptic world. This gaming marvel was released on 19th June 2020 and revolves around Ellie, a young woman immune to the zombie-like infection decimating humanity, on a quest to avenge a heart-wrenching loss. Along the way, she encounters various survivor factions, some allies, some adversaries, and others morally ambiguous. The narrative introduces a new playable character, Abby, offering her unique perspective and motivations. Switching between Ellie and Abby forces players to empathize with both sides of the conflict, challenging their actions and beliefs. The game unflinchingly showcases the brutal consequences of violence, pushing players to confront the cyclical nature of hatred and vengeance. With its richly woven plot and absence of easy answers, The Last of Us Part 2 delivers a profound, mature, and thought-provoking experience that lingers long after the credits roll.


The gameplay in The Last of Us Part 2 presents a polished and enhanced version of its predecessor, offering players more options and flexibility. The game is structured into chapters, each set in diverse locations featuring unique enemies and challenges. Players can explore these environments such as buildings and forests to continue with the story, scavenge for resources, craft items, and uncover hidden collectibles and secrets. Although not an open-world game, it provides players with the freedom and choice to tackle situations in their preferred manner. Optional encounters and side quests offer additional backstory and rewards, enriching the gaming experience.


Combat in The Last of Us Part 2 is fluid, dynamic, and intense. A wide array of weapons, from pistols and rifles to bows and crossbows, each with their strengths and weaknesses, are at the player’s disposal. Melee combat, including the use of knives, axes, and pipes, or hand-to-hand confrontations, are also available. Players can customize and upgrade weapons and skills based on their playstyle preferences. The game introduces new mechanics like dodging, jumping, and prone positions, enhancing combat depth and realism. The inclusion of a stealth system, involving cover, distraction, and silencers, allows players to avoid or eliminate enemies strategically. A dynamic AI system ensures that enemies respond to player actions and communicate with each other. The game’s foes comprise both humans and infected, each with their unique behaviors and vulnerabilities. A companion system adds depth, allowing players to have allies who aid in combat and exploration. Players can adjust the game’s difficulty settings to tailor the experience to their liking and desired level of challenge.

Graphics and Sound:

The Last of Us Part 2 boasts stunning and lifelike graphics, delivering an immersive experience with an unprecedented level of detail. The game capitalizes on the power of the PS4, crafting breathtaking and diverse environments, spanning from lush forests and snow-covered mountains to desolate cities and subterranean passages. Realistic lighting, shadows, and weather effects contribute to the creation of a believable and atmospheric world. The game’s characters come to life through impressive animations, facial expressions, and motion capture technology, conveying their emotions and personalities effectively. The sound design is equally remarkable, featuring a haunting and memorable soundtrack, realistic sound effects, and exceptional voice acting. A photo mode allows players to capture and share their favorite moments and scenes, further immersing them in the game’s world.


In sum, The Last of Us Part 2 stands as a gaming masterpiece and one of the pinnacle achievements of this generation. It is a game that evokes emotions, provokes contemplation, and leaves an indelible mark. Pushing the boundaries of what video games can achieve, it is a must-experience title for all gamers. A perfect 10 out of 10 score is a testament to its excellence, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone with a passion for gaming.

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